Digital content iterations, interactions and immersions – examples of recent work.
The purpose of this plan was to assess the existing approach, technology, delivery and ROI of virtual excursions for education offered by BGCP and from this assessment, suggest improvements and/or potential directions of future digital programs in education.
Download an excerpt of the document.
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These eLearning module investigate and increase mastery of the Stage 6 Visual Arts Syllabus for preliminary and HSC studies.
Videos, interviews, interactive transcripts, quizzes, learning tasks.
This course offers teachers and school leaders the opportunity to engage in professional learning in visual arts as an artform within the NSW Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus. The course will build teacher capacity and confidence as well as instigating change in attitudes and abilities in the creative arts (visual arts) K-6.
Videos, interactive transcripts, quizzes, learning tasks
Vocal Ease MORE (Module 1) has been developed to support primary teachers with implementation of music from the Creative Arts K-6 syllabus. This initial module includes:
[description of module]
Inspired by artist Matthew Quick’s body of work, ‘Introduced Species’ is a three-movement aural depiction of the Trash Vortex, one of the Pacific Ocean’s garbage patches.
This resource links music, visual arts and environmental science into an immersive learning experience, incorporating multiple 360 video in a virtual tour of the orchestra during a performance with embedded video interviews of musicians, the conductor and the composer for a deeper understanding of their roles in the orchestra and of the composition.
Students from public schools across NSW have worked collaboratively to investigate their environment and develop an innovative, site-specific artwork.
The schools’ works have been documented using innovative technology that reimagine these works for display at the Art Gallery of NSW. Site specific works come alive through 360 Virtual Reality film and 3D photogrammetry models that transport the viewer back to the specific location.
The Beauty Of 8 eResource gives insight into a fusion of Australian and Japanese cultures and rhythm. The end product is an exciting and dynamic artform that appeals to all ages. “Taikoz is at once meditative and free-spirited, primal and dramatic.” This eResource encourages students and teachers to observe, listen, perform and compose using ancient aural traditions alongside more modern scores.
Other Voices is a performance, recording and education project based on three new electroacoustic works for flute and electronics by Australian composer/educators Cat Hope, Tristan Coelho and Fiona Hill. It provides access points for young composers, performers and their teachers to explore the potential for combining electronic music with instruments and voice.
Connections is a project of the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (NSW DEC) unit – Distance And Rural Technologies (DART). DART Connections video conferencing excursions bring students and teachers face to face with experts and arts programs providers from The Arts Unit and other education providers.